Why Kara health?

We are a group of highly trained and passionate individuals in the field of home healthcare. We partner with homecare operators of all sizes to develop and activate comprehensive turnkey management programs customized to individual needs. Our programs deliver cost savings, streamlined business processes, clinical excellence, and improved outcomes. We develop meaningful partnerships, and focus on quality while also managing costs. We have helped hundreds of businesses manage costs and improve clinical outcomes. Let us do the same for you.

emergency icon
Estimated Reduction in
Total Cost of Care
hospice icon
Increased Hospice Utilization
and Length of Stay
POLST icon
Group 69

For Homecare Organizations

We are on a mission to provide great patient care, a great patient experience, and be invaluable assets to our partners in healthcare.

Group 417@2x

Turnkey Operators

World-class talent and experience turning around homecare operations

Ambulatory Care Nurse

Holistic Approach

We will streamline operations, find waste, connect systems, and motivate staff

Group 421@2x

Market-Leading Cost Savings

We will manage costs, and find savings across every facet of your organization

Group 69

Improved Outcomes

We will improve clinical outcomes


You’re in Good Company

We will tap our existing high-performing network to your benefit
