For IPAs / Physician Groups

Our PCP and Specialist partners collaborate with us to ensure patients with serious illness receive the best possible quality of care. Our interdisciplinary clinical teams meet patients at home, and via telehealth to efficiently deliver high-quality palliative and hospice care that is consistent with patients’ overall plans of care and tailored to their specific needs.

hospice icon
Increased Hospice
POLST icon
POLST Completion
and Patient Satisfaction
Group 413@2x
Healthcare Spending
is in the Last Year of Life
Group 427@2x
Average Free-Standing
Hospice EBITDA

Why Palliative Care?

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious or terminal illnesses. The support focuses on holistic care including providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress caused by serious illness. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and their family while reducing the emotional effects of illnesses. Home-based palliative care has proven to increase hospice length of stay by 34% and overall hospice utilization by 53%.



Physicians are dedicated to relieving suffering and improving quality of life.

patient conciergePatient Concierge

Patient Concierge

Our Patient Concierge team is available 24-7 to coordinate transportation, medication /DME delivery, and other services.

Clinical TherapistsClinical Therapists

Clinical Therapists

Clinical Therapists focus on patients’ psychological and emotional wellbeing.

Ambulatory Care NurseAmbulatory Care Nurse

Ambulatory Care Nurse

Integrative approach helps patients maintain psysical, mental and emotional health

Spiritual Guides/ChaplainsSpiritual Guides/Chaplains

Spiritual Guides/Chaplains

Specialty expertise in the unique spiritual concerns of patients.

Registered DieticiansRegistered Dieticians

Registered Dieticians

Holistic nutritional support including dietary counseling, personalized meal plans and overseeing artificial nutrition.

Nurse PractitionersNurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioners

Disease specific expertise. Our Care and support to patient and family throughout the journey.

Clinical Team

Our interdisciplinary care teams are comprised of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Ambulatory Nurses, Clinical Therapists, Dieticians, Spiritual Guides/Chaplains, Patient Concierges, and Disease-Specific Palliative Case Managers. Each member of the Kara Health team is trained in the Serious Illness Guide created by Atul Gawande and Ariadne Labs at Harvard School of Public Health.

who we help

Palliative Care is Not Hospice

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious or terminal illnesses. The support focuses on holistic care and providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress caused by serious illness. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and their family while reducing the emotional effects of illnesses.


We partner with payers looking to improve patient outcomes, increase patient satisfaction, and achieve market-leading cost-savings. We collaborate with hospitals, physicians, and other providers to develop customized home-based palliative care programs that improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Program Goals and Outcomes

Palliative care is specialized care for complex patients. The approach is holistic in nature and focuses on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress caused by serious illness. We partner with you to provide an extra layer of coverage for patients who need it most.

How To Refer Patients

You have identified a patient that needs palliative care, telehealth, or would like us to visit in-home for evaluation. What comes next?

The Kara Health team listens to their patients, and makes things happen.
I do not know where I would be without you. You are the best.

Kara Health Patient